Monday, November 7, 2011

Reflection Focusing On My Presentation

I felt like I picked a subject that was too difficult to explain since it is something that not even more U.S. Americans know about or know how to do. I ran out of time and options to pick what I could have the presentation on. It needed to be something that had instructions that someone could follow.
I'm not sure if I tried it again I'd still be able to do it again still.

There needs to be more explanation as to what a Animal Spirit Guide is, what it does and why you should do it at all, but the time of the presentation was only five minutes and I feel like that sort of thing needs more detailed explaining.

I had no idea what else to do about that Americans do that Japan doesn't AND I'd be able to give instructions on how to do so. I really tried my best given the subject, but I need more of a guideline for something to do.

Grammar Explanation
Verb stem + はじめる
This is really simple. Just skin down a verb to its stem (drop ます) and add 始める. Its really just means to start doing a verb. 食べ始めます = Begin to eat.

I'm having a harder time understanding this one. So far I understand it is used to continue talking about something as in a "Speaking of which" matter. However, it can also be used to change the subject to a new topic.

Is used like ~と, ~し, or ~や, but more like ~し or ~や since it can be used to make a non-exhaustive list. However, what I don't understand at all is when I should use this and not や or し, or what does it mean to use とか.


反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月31日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
I finished my presentation....and yea....its done.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
Left class

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
I finished my presentation....and yea....its done.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
I finished my presentation....and yea....its done.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

TOBIRA Chapter 1 ~ 文法

Likeness (adj+さ)
いadj ->  +さ
なadj ->  +さ
いい ->  よさ
さ is added to an adjective to make them a noun, in relation to say they are like something. Most commonly used to say an adjective that something has. "Her height", "his creepiness", "My teacher's voice's loudness"

In relation to/Resembling/like (のように)
A~のように~B. is used when something in A appears to be the same or similar to B. B in relation to A. B resembles A or a feature of it. B like A.

反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月24日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
We did a review Super Kanji Quiz and started Tobira we started reading chapter one and did the first seven grammar, this consisted of a lot of 新しい単語 and with implementing the 新しい文法 it was a lot and it really got my head hurting...not in a good way. I stopped and fell behind so I could try and understand the 新しい文法.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
I don't think there was anything very interesting that happened or fun.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
Actually being able to recall old Japanese and mixing it with the new. I had a hard time in elementary school understanding things properly. I feel like I'm hitting second - fourth grade all over again. Except before, I actually already spoke that language.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
I really just need to be submersed, I attempt to listen to things in Japanese more, but its still very difficult for me.
I'm not sure what to do. I can make up many things in writing in an attempt to understand them, but I still don't feel like I understand them.

However, out of curiosity, I did go back to Genki 1 just to look at it, I think I can safely say I don't need it anymore, I believe I understand most everything in Genki 1  (with a few Kanji as exception). I just wish I had unlimited time to keep learning. This is a problem I don't know how to solve.

and solving how
to use it coming
out of Genki II          +---

I'm not entirely sure how to solve this problem, or have too much of a solid idea, however, I do think if we take our time to go through everything thoroughly everyone will benefit. Thats my vote anyway, I just want to feel secured in my Japanese and comprehension. I'll keep learning all the time if I have to, I just need a good teacher to help me, and a place where there are Japanese people so I can practice and hear day-to-day.

Thursday, October 27, 2011



ほ かいどう

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It came in the mail today, its probably about a week early!

Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese, Learning through Content and Multimedia
You can get it Here

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Topic for Presentation

I was talking with my roommates and one gave me this much more U.S.American can one get?

Native American!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Chapter 23 Grammar Explaination

Causative-Passive form is the form in which you use to show that someone is making you do something and you do not like it, or just have a negative feeling towards the outcome. ~させられる。

て-form + も is used  like たら. However, たら is If A then B, where ても is Even if A then B. Basically stating against the odds or even if you'd think otherwise then B.

Short Form + ことにする is when a decision is made about an idea, whether it is decided to do something or not to do something. Likewise, ~ことにしている means that you've decided to something regularly as a practice, or become more aware of it.

Japan and U.S.A. cultural differences

According to the reading we did in class on review of Kanji different expressions are read differently in other countries.  Slight differences in the way a face looked were read as angry for US Americans and sadness for Japanese people. There are other differences in things like this too, in the USA there are inappropriate words just based on context even though they might not be directed at anyone that could get offended by it. Japan does not have words like this, but there are still words, related to a persons body, that are inappropriate to mention in public. As far as the internet goes. Japanese people use more elaborate ways to show emotion in what they say while US Americans seem to do it by showing small and quickly communicated ideas such as laughter or happiness. I believe this is because the Japanese language does not have as wide of a range in tone and emotion is usually conveyed in what someone says and not how they say it, but there are many exceptions.

反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月17日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
We did Kanji practice for Chapter 23 in the book, and it had a lot of reading, more than what we usually have to read. In one class. We did a quick review of ~ても and learned and reviewed ~ことにする, ~ことにしている, and ~ことにしよう but we really didn't study more of ことにしよう and hot to use it properly. I understand it, we just didn't review it.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
I can't think of anything, again.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
Aside from the issues I'm already struggling with, in comparison, I think this week was head didn't hurt too much and I felt like I retained more.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
(see: last week)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月10日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
We did more on Causative-Passive form and added two more grammar points to our list of things we need to know. AまでB which is Until A then B, where B's tense can change but A's but always be present-short. て-form + も (AてもB) means even if A then B will still happen. Where たら is just if A then B. 

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
I can't think of anything.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
I didn't have one...I did terrible in the Kanji, turned in homework late and just felt like a terrible student.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
Kanji...its always Kanji although because we never practice vocabulary in class and the chapters only repeat the new ones once or twice, it makes it very difficult, so I'm always worried about that.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
I don't know, I try and practice Kanji soo much and still feel like I fail at it, I don't really have time to take other vocabulary into consideration, I do learn some vocab from other students, but I feel like I need to dig deeper and be forced to learn more words and Kanji.

Choosing a Topic for Presentation

The topic I would like to do is 5 easy steps on how to take over the world. Not sure how to do it or what steps really show, but I think it would be interesting since I have no other ideas.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月3日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
I need to get the Tobira book that we were told to get, but now I need to since we are on the last Genki chapter. We learned and review Causative passive and after some confusion 「〜aさせられる」is the correct was to conjugate う-verbs. We also started the kanji: 顔, 情, 怒, 変, 相, 横, 比 and 化.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
Aside from leaving class due to running out of material for the day (which was nice because it gave me a change to absorb some information). We had some more Japanese students come and introduce themselves.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
Making a new 四コマまんが that was apparently very funny.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
With 2 other projects in other classes Japanese will actually just generally be a challenge, but...

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
...its the only class I actually care about so I will do my best.

Friday, October 7, 2011



I only posted this for fun. Maybe I'll put up the scanned image later XP





Friday, September 30, 2011


今日、友達は黒岩亮太は私たちの授業に来りました。ニックネームは亮亮(りょうりょう)です。二十歳、広島修道大学生です。しゅ味はバスケットボールや音楽。ゆき先生はどんな音楽を聞きますかと言いました。亮亮はたくさん音楽が好きでも、K-ポップッが好きじゃない。Sum 41やGreen DayやBon Joviのように音楽が好きです。

反省Class Reflection for the Week of 9月26日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
Verb stem + なさい is how you command someone to do something.
"A ~ば B"  is how you say, "if A then B". For B to happen A must also happen. Where as "A~たらB is just if A happens then B can/might happen."
A~のようなB and A~のようにB where ~のよう turns a noun into a comparison to B. A like B happens. な is for ideas of appearance and に is for ideas of characteristic or feeling.
A~のにB connects two ideas that are facts even though they contradict each other. Compared to ~けど which is just used as the English counterpart "but" and A and B DO NOT need to be purely factual statements.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
Laugh, because apparently rubber bands can stick to ceilings

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
Understanding that ~のような/~のように were used for appearance/feeling before it was explained and before I read about it.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
I'm beginning to worry about basic vocabulary we never really review it, it is up to us to make sure we know it. I understand these are college courses but it is still difficult since it is a second language and not too many of us could start in middle school, and some didn't have the option even in High School.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
I usually try to give myself situations to learn vocab or use them in homework, but because of the kanji containing new vocabulary all the time as well it makes it more difficult for me to remember. So I still try, but thats all I can do.

Different Learning Strategies

I don't know of very many learning strategies, I feel my own need some heavy work. What I view as the best way to learn is go to Japan be forced to learn Japanese write Japanese all the time and be fluent sooner than later, but that can cost a LOT of money that not too many people can afford. The way I see most people learning is being into some sort of manga or anime or video games and picking up many words here and there, and then diving into the language once they're ready, the other ones that dive too early are Otaku that don't have the actual drive to learn and just want it because of the guys/girls or some other shallow excuses.
I see a lot of people studying through class, trying to type in Japanese and trying to meet Japanese people. Everyone has their own way that works for them....but its still probably best to be able to just go to Japan.

Friday, September 23, 2011



反射 Class Reflection for the Week of 9月19日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
Causative tense, which is to make or let someone do something.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
eh...not sure.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
I think I'm getting better at listening comprehension.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
Most likely to remember vocabulary and Kanji, again.
(I'm such a slow learner)

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
Find cases to write and use the Kanji more often

Thursday, September 15, 2011

反省 Class Reflection for the Week of 9月12日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
That when you take and adjective, if a な adj. drop な then add に, and if an い adj. then change い to く, then following - add する and treat the entire adj. as if it were a verb. Adj+する means that you make something like that adjective.
(I) made the car far away.

~てほしい means that you want someone to do something, usually directly for you. Use the ~て-form of a verb and then add ほしいです。

We also learned a bunch of Kanji, that I can only remember six or eight of

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
I believe I understood and remember at least 8 of the Kanji that we learned, and I didn't think I would.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
Still.....Kanji....but 単語 feels as if it will get harder to do too. I also have a lot of work to do it other classes now, and I fear it will get in my way.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
Study? I guess?

Friday, September 9, 2011

反省 Class Reflection for the Week of 9月5日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
Reflection on Passive Statements.
8 ’new’ Kanji. 
~てあります。 which is a result of ~ておきます。It means that someone has been done, maybe for a reason, by someone, but the someone is not named.
〜間に、is a sentence connector in which it means A間にBです。While A is happening, I am doing B. If A is in ~ている, then it means that A is happening for the same time as B.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
Fast Kitchen

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
Passing the Kanji quiz with perfect score, maybe?

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
To properly remember what I learned and to use it often.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
Speak more Japanese regularly.

Monday, September 5, 2011

VOKI Project::ボーキのプロジェクト

反省 Class Reflection for the Week of 8/29/11

 What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
日本語 has an idea of passive statements. The idea that something, usually negatively effects you or someone, and to form it with 〜られる. The new る conjugates regularly.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
Watching Yuki sensei making jokes since its the first week of school.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?

Nothing, but I got to meet a lot of Japanese students that I hope to practice with more.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?

Most likely to remember vocabulary and Kanji.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?

Speak more Japanese regularly.