Tuesday, October 18, 2011

反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月10日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
We did more on Causative-Passive form and added two more grammar points to our list of things we need to know. AまでB which is Until A then B, where B's tense can change but A's but always be present-short. て-form + も (AてもB) means even if A then B will still happen. Where たら is just if A then B. 

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
I can't think of anything.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
I didn't have one...I did terrible in the Kanji, turned in homework late and just felt like a terrible student.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
Kanji...its always Kanji although because we never practice vocabulary in class and the chapters only repeat the new ones once or twice, it makes it very difficult, so I'm always worried about that.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
I don't know, I try and practice Kanji soo much and still feel like I fail at it, I don't really have time to take other vocabulary into consideration, I do learn some vocab from other students, but I feel like I need to dig deeper and be forced to learn more words and Kanji.

Choosing a Topic for Presentation

The topic I would like to do is 5 easy steps on how to take over the world. Not sure how to do it or what steps really show, but I think it would be interesting since I have no other ideas.

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