Sunday, October 9, 2011

反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月3日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
I need to get the Tobira book that we were told to get, but now I need to since we are on the last Genki chapter. We learned and review Causative passive and after some confusion 「〜aさせられる」is the correct was to conjugate う-verbs. We also started the kanji: 顔, 情, 怒, 変, 相, 横, 比 and 化.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
Aside from leaving class due to running out of material for the day (which was nice because it gave me a change to absorb some information). We had some more Japanese students come and introduce themselves.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
Making a new 四コマまんが that was apparently very funny.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
With 2 other projects in other classes Japanese will actually just generally be a challenge, but...

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
...its the only class I actually care about so I will do my best.

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