Monday, November 7, 2011

Reflection Focusing On My Presentation

I felt like I picked a subject that was too difficult to explain since it is something that not even more U.S. Americans know about or know how to do. I ran out of time and options to pick what I could have the presentation on. It needed to be something that had instructions that someone could follow.
I'm not sure if I tried it again I'd still be able to do it again still.

There needs to be more explanation as to what a Animal Spirit Guide is, what it does and why you should do it at all, but the time of the presentation was only five minutes and I feel like that sort of thing needs more detailed explaining.

I had no idea what else to do about that Americans do that Japan doesn't AND I'd be able to give instructions on how to do so. I really tried my best given the subject, but I need more of a guideline for something to do.

Grammar Explanation
Verb stem + はじめる
This is really simple. Just skin down a verb to its stem (drop ます) and add 始める. Its really just means to start doing a verb. 食べ始めます = Begin to eat.

I'm having a harder time understanding this one. So far I understand it is used to continue talking about something as in a "Speaking of which" matter. However, it can also be used to change the subject to a new topic.

Is used like ~と, ~し, or ~や, but more like ~し or ~や since it can be used to make a non-exhaustive list. However, what I don't understand at all is when I should use this and not や or し, or what does it mean to use とか.


反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月31日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
I finished my presentation....and yea....its done.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
Left class

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?
I finished my presentation....and yea....its done.

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
I finished my presentation....and yea....its done.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

TOBIRA Chapter 1 ~ 文法

Likeness (adj+さ)
いadj ->  +さ
なadj ->  +さ
いい ->  よさ
さ is added to an adjective to make them a noun, in relation to say they are like something. Most commonly used to say an adjective that something has. "Her height", "his creepiness", "My teacher's voice's loudness"

In relation to/Resembling/like (のように)
A~のように~B. is used when something in A appears to be the same or similar to B. B in relation to A. B resembles A or a feature of it. B like A.

反省Class Reflection for the Week of 10月24日11年

  What did you learn in this week in Japanese class?
We did a review Super Kanji Quiz and started Tobira we started reading chapter one and did the first seven grammar, this consisted of a lot of 新しい単語 and with implementing the 新しい文法 it was a lot and it really got my head hurting...not in a good way. I stopped and fell behind so I could try and understand the 新しい文法.

二  Most fun things you did in this week in Japanese class?
I don't think there was anything very interesting that happened or fun.

三  What is your great success in this week in Japanese class?

四  What is your greatest challenge in this week in Japanese class?
Actually being able to recall old Japanese and mixing it with the new. I had a hard time in elementary school understanding things properly. I feel like I'm hitting second - fourth grade all over again. Except before, I actually already spoke that language.

五  What do you want do in order to overcome #4?
I really just need to be submersed, I attempt to listen to things in Japanese more, but its still very difficult for me.
I'm not sure what to do. I can make up many things in writing in an attempt to understand them, but I still don't feel like I understand them.

However, out of curiosity, I did go back to Genki 1 just to look at it, I think I can safely say I don't need it anymore, I believe I understand most everything in Genki 1  (with a few Kanji as exception). I just wish I had unlimited time to keep learning. This is a problem I don't know how to solve.

and solving how
to use it coming
out of Genki II          +---

I'm not entirely sure how to solve this problem, or have too much of a solid idea, however, I do think if we take our time to go through everything thoroughly everyone will benefit. Thats my vote anyway, I just want to feel secured in my Japanese and comprehension. I'll keep learning all the time if I have to, I just need a good teacher to help me, and a place where there are Japanese people so I can practice and hear day-to-day.